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Monday, January 27, 2014

Zinc Deficiency in Children, Men and Women

Zinc Deficiency Symptoms, Zinc Deficiency Side Effects, Zinc Deficiency Causes, Zinc Deficiency in Women, Zinc Deficiency in Men, Zinc Deficiency in Children,
Research conducted during the past 10 – 15 years suggests that zinc deficiency is widespread and affects the health and well-being of populations worldwide. Zinc deficiency is most common in children, men and women. Research indicated the burden of disease related to the deficiency of zinc. Zinc deficiency Symptoms are: Growth Retardation, Arrested Sexual Maturation, Anorexia, Night Blindness, Liver Cirrhosis, Diarrhea, Acrodermatitis Enteropathica, Impaired Taste Acuity, Delayed Wound Healing, Hair Loss, Alopecia, Skin Dryness, Hyperpigmentation of the Skin, Emotional Disturbance, etc.

The zinc deficiency causes fall under two main categories:
1) Nutritional causes such as consumption of food items with either low zinc contents or unavailable forms of zinc.
2) Conditioned (secondary) deficiency related to diseases and genetic malfunctions that impair intestinal absorption and/or increase intestinal loss of zinc.

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