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Monday, January 27, 2014

Zinc Foods for Good Health

Zinc Foods, Health Foods, Foods for Good Health, Foods for Zinc Deficiency, Zinc Food Benefits, Super Foods,

Every human want to look beautiful and healthy. But zinc deficiency disturbs the immune system of our body.  Due to the deficiency of the zinc our body moves toward weakness and illness. If we want to stay fit and healthy with strong muscles then we need to eat zinc rich foods. That foods have the high percentage of zinc that we need daily. If any one have zinc deficiency then animals meat is better source of zinc than the plants (vegetables) foods.
Below the list of the some foods that contain highest zinc.

  1. Oyster                                                                    2. Salmon Fish
  3. Toasted Wheat Germ                                             4. Pumpkin and Squashed Seeds
  5. Veal Liver of Animals                                           6. Low Fat Roast Beef
  7. Lamb (Mutton)                                                       8. Dark Chocolate & Cocoa Powder
  9. Garlic                                                                   10. Water Mellon Dried Seeds
11. Sesame Seeds                                                       12. Crab
13. Peanuts                                                                 14. Lobster
15. Sesame Seeds                                                       16. Organic Beef
17. Chickpeas                                                             18. Egg York
19. Shrimp                                                                  20. Spinach
21. Lima Beans                                                           21. Mushrooms
22. Turkey                                                                   23. Pistachio
24. Lobster                                                                  25. Pork
26. Tahini                                                                    26. Kidney Beans
27. Flax Seeds                                                             28. Brewer's Yeast
29. Almonds                                                                30. Brown Rice
31. Brown Bread                                                         32. Walnut

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Zinc Deficiency in Children, Men and Women

Zinc Deficiency Symptoms, Zinc Deficiency Side Effects, Zinc Deficiency Causes, Zinc Deficiency in Women, Zinc Deficiency in Men, Zinc Deficiency in Children,
Research conducted during the past 10 – 15 years suggests that zinc deficiency is widespread and affects the health and well-being of populations worldwide. Zinc deficiency is most common in children, men and women. Research indicated the burden of disease related to the deficiency of zinc. Zinc deficiency Symptoms are: Growth Retardation, Arrested Sexual Maturation, Anorexia, Night Blindness, Liver Cirrhosis, Diarrhea, Acrodermatitis Enteropathica, Impaired Taste Acuity, Delayed Wound Healing, Hair Loss, Alopecia, Skin Dryness, Hyperpigmentation of the Skin, Emotional Disturbance, etc.

The zinc deficiency causes fall under two main categories:
1) Nutritional causes such as consumption of food items with either low zinc contents or unavailable forms of zinc.
2) Conditioned (secondary) deficiency related to diseases and genetic malfunctions that impair intestinal absorption and/or increase intestinal loss of zinc.
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Zinc Benefits

Health Benefits of Zinc, Zinc Benefits, Zinc Health Benefits, Zinc for Health, Zinc for
Zinc is an essential nutrient for Human Health. Every Human needs Zinc to survive. It is Vital for activating growth and physical neurological development in infants, children and teenagers. Ensuring adequate levels of Zinc intake is a key component in efforts to reduce illness, increase physical and internal (testosterone)growth and decrease mortality.
Zinc is found in all parts of the body. It is a component in more than 300 enzymes and influences hormones. It is essential for the growth of Hormones of both Male and Female. Zinc also accelerate cell division and enhance the immune system. Zinc is vital in protecting the body from illnesses and fighting infections. It can reduce the duration and severity of a common cold or halt diarrhea. Zinc is also very useful in Hair Loss and Anti Aging. It is good for your hair growth and skin.
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